Senin, 17 Maret 2008

Blog is my desire

Blogging is my desire

  1. Alhamdulillah thanks to Allah The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful. Finally I can make a blog. Blogging is my desire since the first time I heard about it. Before this I’ve made a blog account, and after that I forgot my log in name and my password and then I register a few blog address and the story after that was the same. I never found my way back to my blog address. And today I wont forget anymore. There are many things to say and I want to write it in my blog. And as a schoolteacher there are many things to share about my job with colleague and what I’ve done for my profession and the other way I want some input from teachers allover the world so I can upgrade my teaching ability. Insya Allah

Alhamdulillah puji syukur kami panjatkan kepada Allah yang Maha Pengasih dan Penyayang. Akhirnya aku bisa buat blog. Aku sudah ingin blogging sejak pertama kali aku dengar. Sebelum ini, aku sudah buat blog account. Tapi kemudian aku lupa nama log-in nya dan passwordnya. Dan itu sudah beberapa kali. Aku tidak bisa kembali ke alamat blog ku. Dan hari ini aku tidak akan lupa lagi. Banyak hal yang ingin aku sampaikan dan tulis dalam blogku. Dan sebagai guru, aku ingin berbagi dengan rekan guru yang lain tentang pekerjaanku dan aku ingin juga input dari mereka sehingga aku bisa meningkatkan kualitas mengajarku. Insya Allah

  1. Personal Profile

I am Sisilia Herjanti a wife and a mother of three daughters. Now I am teaching at SD Negeri Harapan 2 Bandung. I am teaching Social Study, Singing, and English. But as an elementary school teacher we must be able to teach all of subject of instruction at school. So if head of school tell us to teach Math or Science we must be ready. But now I am enjoy teaching those three subject very much.

Saya Sisilia Herjanti seorang isteri dan ibu dari tiga anak gadis. Sekarang saya mengajar di SD Negeri Harapan 2 Bandung. Saya mengajar IPS, Seni Suara, dan Bahasa Inggris. Tapi sebagai guru sekolah dasar kami diwajibkan untuk bisa mengajar semua mata pelajaran di sekolah. Jadi kalau Kepala Sekolah bilang kita harus mengajar Matematika atau IPA kami harus sedia. Tapi sekarang saya sangat menikmati mengajar ketiga pelajaran itu.

Content of Social Study is much like a storybook. History, Geography, Economy, were like a storybook. I keep telling my student don’t take their book as a burden. They have to enjoy Social Study’s book as a storybook so they can enjoy it, love it and at the end they will have a good school grade. Hopefully they listen to me.

Konten dari pelajaran IPS sangat irip dengan buku cerita. Sejarah, Geografi, dan Ekonomi kesemuanya seperti storybook. Aku sering bilang pada muridku, jangan menganggap buku pelajaran itu sebagai beban. Mereka harus menganggap buku IPS seperti buku cerita sehingga mereka bisa menikmatinya, mencintainya dan pada akhirnya mereka dapat meningkatkan nilai IPS mereka. Semoga mereka mau mendengarkan.

Other, I’m teaching English. I like teaching English. English is fun. Even though I didn’t graduate from any kinds of English school or course. My English teachers are famous singer. Yes because I learned English from the songs they sang. Sometimes I teach my student songs from famous artist. English subject in elementary school is like a demo or introduction for a real charge in junior high school. I don’t want my student hate English. I have a goal my student love to learn English. They are not afraid about English. So I just deliver the fun side of English. Yes I still try to do my best of it.

Also I am teaching Music. Oh not that one. I don’t teach how to play music instrument. I just teach my student any kinds of songs. Traditional songs, patriotic songs, and a few international songs I deliver to my students.

After all teaching is my hobby. I enjoy my job very much. I still try to be a very good teacher.

  1. School Profile

SD Harapan or Harapan Elementary School placed in Jl. Pak Gatot VI KPAD

Gegerkalong Bandung. It is on Kecamatan Sukasari, lead by Mrs. Dra. Hj. Cicih Juarsih. There are two schools in SD Harapan: SDN Harapan 1 and SD Harapan 2.